Grand Finals are here!

Congratulations to the Year 7 and Year 9 Rangers teams for making into this weeks Grand Final as well as the Year 6 Round Robin team. Unfortunately the Year 11’s did not make it through, but congratulations for such a great season. This is a fantastic achievement for our club so please get along and support the boys. Please note the games are being played on both Saturday and Sunday.

Saturday 12 September 2015

8.45: Reid Oval, Forrestfield – Caversham vs Hills Rangers (Orange)  (Year 6 round robin)

12:10: Reid Oval, Forrestfield – Chittering vs Hills Rangers (Year 7)

Sunday 13 September 2015

10:20: Steel Blue Oval, Bassendean – High Wycombe vs Hills Rangers (Year 9)


We hope to see you there.