Author Archives: Rangers
Mouthguards are ready and will be available at training as follows:
Year 9s – training Tuesday 7 April
Year 10s – training Tuesday 7 April 2015
Year 7s, 8s and 11s – training Monday 13 April 2015
Yr 7 training change
Training for Year 7’s is now Mondays and Wednesday – 5.00pm – 6.30pm at Sawyers Oval
Jumper Presentation – 29 March 2015
A reminder to all players that jumper presentations are this Sunday 29 March 2015
11.00am – Mundaring Oval
Players please note your fees need to be paid to collect your merchandise
I am pleased to say that Dani Deliu with the assistance of Catherine Walker have offered to share the role as Canteen Coordinator.
Thank you Dani and Catherine. The Committee, players and parents are very grateful.
A successful canteen provides great funding for all clubs and like all positions we need the support of volunteers to help share these roles.
Umpire Coordinator
Person to ensure that each team has a team umpire available when required.
Coaching Coordinator
Required by Swan Districts to confirm all coaches are accredited.
Attend 2-3 Swan District meetings throughout the season.
Please help us grow the club in 2015 with your support.
Thank you. Any queries please do not hesitate to contact Hazel Arblaster
Year 8 Training
Training for year 8’s has now changed.
Monday nights – 5.30-7.00pm – Sawyers Oval
Wednesday nights – 5.30-7.00pm – Mundaring Oval
Year 8 Training change
Training for year 8’s has CHANGED. Please visit the year 8 page under the TEAMS tab for all the details.
Fees can now be paid online.
Go back to the Sporting Pulse Hills Rangers registration page.
Input your username and password, work through the pages and it will ask for payment by credit card.
Otherwise each Team Manager has a receipt book and they are able to collect your fees.
Payment needs to be done before the first round.
Positions vacant
Can you help?
We need your help to fill the following vital roles within the club
- Canteen manager
- Umpire coordinator
- Coaching coordinator
All teams will need parent support to get through the year. For those of you who are new, this is a step up from Junior football. The following volunteers are essential at each and every game
- Coach
- Assistant coach
- Manager
- Runners x2 (must be an adult)
- Water carriers x2 (minimum age 13)
- Interchange steward (home team only)
- Time keeper (home team only)
- Boundary umpire
- Goal umpire
- First Aid
- Canteen helpers
- Parent field umpire (when Swan Districts cannot supply one)
The game CANNOT commence unless all positions are filled. Rostering will occur in each team, but you may prefer to put your hand up for a specific role that interests you.
A huge thank you to everyone who has agreed to a volunteer for position already. The club couldn’t operate without you.
Please speak to your son’s coach or contact Hazel (Club Secretary) if you can volunteer to help out.
Change to pre season training – Year 10s
Hi Rangers
An update to year 10 Rangers training will be provided shortly. Please watch this space.